Premium Table Linen and Napkin Hire

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Adelaide’s Largest Range – Boutique Hire Studio for Weddings + Events

Champagne Tower with Harlow Coupes

Description: Cheers!
We deliver, setup and remove the tower. The tower must have flat ground and be protected from elements.
Full tower is 91 coupes. We recommend any coupes over this be pre poured for tray service - dismantling a large tower during service is time consuming and venues do prefer this. Additional coupes can be hired.
We can provided 4 gold bollards with black rope or Silver with a white rope to protect tower.
The price includes the acrylic plinth and spill tray along with a skilled team member to setup.
We do not offer the tower for outside use.

Our tower is not a DIY option.

We do not supply the alcohol.

You must have permission from your venue.
Each glass holds approx 30cL
All glasses must be collected and returned to blue box provided.
Photo by Evan Bailey and Katie Harmsworth

Dimensions: 100 x 220

Tags: hire, adelaide, champagne, tower, bubbles, pour